HD Mobile Walls https://www.hdmobilewalls.com/p/copyright-policy.html

copyright policy

For User : Very important for every visitor to this website. You just can download from here for mobile purposes only. You can not make any commercial use of the image like that (Backgrounds, printing or any images for sale). The image from the original copyright holder must obtain permission to commercially use.

For Copyright Holders : All images on this site are collected from various resources available on the Internet. The fact that we would never intentionally impede anyone’s work. We always respect your work. But due to the fact that we are using a 3rd party script. To do this, credits and copyright information can not be displayed. it will apply Currently soon. We already requested our users to comply with our copyright policy.

If you are not satisfied with our copyright policy and on our site, any images that violate your copyright policy, Then you can tell us by our contact page. We will follow quickly and We will remove all images that violate your copyright policy.
